Groundvue 3 – Single channel

Like all Groundvue Ground Probing Radars, Groundvue 3 is user friendly and uses easy to operate dedicated software. Operating depth (measured in two- way travel time) and the distance between samples must be defined accurately. All other parameters can be reset after survey.
This is the single channel version of the traditional 4-channel multi-channel. It offers the same superb range of antennas, the same fast data collection speed and the adasptability to be used from a trolley, on a vehicle or on a hand towed skid, depending on ground surface conditions.
Frequency Ranges
4GHz (using Groundvue 5
as 1 channel), 1.5GHz,
1GHz, 400MHz, 250MHz
Depth Range
Dependent on Frequencies used –
- 4GHz: up to 0.5m in dry conditions
- 1.5GHz: up to 2m in dry conditions
- 1GHz: up to 2m in dry conditons
- 400MHz: up to 5m in dry conditions or up to 3m in wet conditions
- 250MHz: up to 10m in dry conditions or up to 5m in wet conditions.
Special Features
- High Speed Operation
- Arrayed Antennas
- Fully Screened
- Available as a trolley based system or for hand held operation (high frequencies only)
- Suitable for towing behind or attachment to a survey vehicle
- Simultaneous recording of GPS/Total Station data
- Versatility – the same system can be used in different combinations for a range of tasks
Data Storage
Direct to solid disk
High to very high (80mm @ 250MHz;
40mm @ 400MHz; 20mm @ 1GHz;
15mm @ 1.5GHz; 1mm @ 4GHz)
- Data Logger required for operation and initial data storage
- A long term data storage system is essential
- A basic 12V battery charger is needed to charge the radar batteries
- Cable connector with vehicle cigarette lighter connection for saving datalogger batteries (not essential)
- Analytical software – the ReflexW package – is also available. Details on request.
- Groundvue 3 is also available as a multi-channel system with the same range of frequencies